This is a campaign for Kleenex anti-viral tissues. I made origami weapons out of the tissues to make the point, Kleenex tissues are your weapons against germs.
This is a pseudo alarm clock company I created and called “Dilated alarm clocks”. Within this project I created several touch points to help define the brand that range from promotional pieces to packaging design.
This is a redesign of the Bazzini Nuts line. I went with a slender but taller looking bag for the design. I added assigned a color for the different products they sell in that line.
This is a campaign for FTD (Florists’ Transworld Delivery). Each ad focuses on an immediate accident and flowers in a vase set nicely near the victim. I wanted to convey “fast delivery”.
These ads were done for Hamilton Beach easy-touch iron. In each ad I took out the creases of objects (a leaf, a pumpkin, and a walnut) and highlighted a setting near each one to show that everything falls into category of either low, medium, or high.
This was a branding project for a video game publishing company I created called “Last Level”. I tried to capture Last Level’s over the top attitude that it takes from gaming culture and apply to several touch points of the brand.
This is a shirt line I created called “Spoiler Warning”. The line would include turning points or major plot points of books and movies, abstract enough for people who don't know of it to pass over their head but recognizable enough to the people who do know of it.